Except for a few of the following, PEOSH has enforced most of the OSHA Standards and Regulations:
NJAC 12:100-8 replaces 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L with the PEOSH Standards for Firefighters.
The Federal Standards serve as the foundation for the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200/NJAC 12:100-7).
The State Plan for New Jersey, which must be followed by both employees and employers who do business there, consists of two distinct standards and four agencies. The majority of the Safety Training Standards do, however, have a foundation or some other resemblance, which is a positive thing.
Coming towards the public companies, listed down below are the administrations that need to be followed:
The regulatory body which enforces Standards and accommodates safety complaints isThe New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDLWD).
The department responsible for health hazards complaints and the implementation of Indoor Air Quality Standards isThe New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH)
Regular and complaint-specific inspections under the regulatory body of NJDLWD are directed byThe Office of Public Workers’ Occupational Safety and Health (OPEOSH)
Nevertheless, private companies do not follow PEOSH Standards, as they are directed to follow Federal OSHA Training Standards. As far as public companies are concerned, they need to strictly follow PEOSH training Standards and additionally meet Federal OSHA training requirements. Still, both regulatory bodies have mutuality between their Standards, so it’s easyto meet them.
Some of the PEOSH Standards are new and they do not have any similarity with Federal Standards, such as:
Indoor Air Quality Standard (NJAC 12:100-13)
Indoor Firing Ranges Standard (NJAC 12:100-8)
OSHA New Jersey Safety training courses are mostly called DOL Cards and are not obliged to be completed by any worker. Still, some employers may want you to take 10 Hour Construction training and 30 Hour Construction training for construction site safety awareness.