OSHA supports states in developing their State Plans, but only if they are as successful as OSHA Standards and implementations. As a result, The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA), which is overseen by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, is the State Plan for Michigan. MIOSHA covers some private businesses and employees in addition to all state and federal employees and employers.

Know Your Michigan OSHA Training Requirements

In addition, the Michigan State Plan includes the whole public sector as well as a portion of the private sector. However, in certain instances, such as:

jobs in the maritime industry
The United States Postal Service (USPS) employs contract personnel and uses facilities run by contractors.
Every aspect of cabin crew members’ working conditions
Employers who have been identified as members of an Indian tribe and who own or manage businesses inside the boundaries of an Indian reservation.

All the operations, personnel, employers, and other things that MIOSHA does not cover are covered by federal OSHA jurisdiction. Additionally, Federal OSHA still adheres to anti-retaliation clauses. In order to prevent retaliation, Federal OSHA supervises and regulates inspections.

The state’s general industry is inspected by the General Industry Safety and Health Division. The Construction Safety and Health Division of MIOSHA also conducts safety and health inspections at construction sites. The Field Operations Manual (FOM) is the primary document that guides MIOSHA’s enforcement efforts.

The Michigan State Plan has a distinctive set of Standards for the following industries, in accordance with MIOSHA Standards and Regulations:

MIOSHA Construction

Boilers and Pressure Vessels
First Aid
Airborne Contaminants
Hazard Communication
Hazardous Waste Operations
Personal Protective Equipment
Fire Protection
Signals and Barricades
Materials Handling
Hand Power Tools, including Lock-out/Tagout
Electrical Hazards
Hoists, Powered Platforms, and Elevators
Mobile Equipment
Concrete and Masonry Construction
Steel Erection
Underground Construction
Stairways and Ladders
Toxic Substances
Laboratory Hazards
Cranes and Derricks
Walking-Working Surfaces
Confined Spaces
Worker Intoxication

MIOSHA General Industry

Walking-Working Surfaces
Fire Equipment
Oil and Gas Drilling and Servicing Operations
Ventilation for Grinding, Polishing, and Buffing
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
Piping Hazards
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety Code for Physical Hazards
Signs and Tags for Accident Prevention
Confined Spaces
Protection of Firefighters and Fire Brigades
Protection of all Workers from Fire Hazards
Materials Handling and Storage
Machinery and Machine Guarding
Hand and Portable Power Tools and other Hand-held Equipment
Welding, Cutting. And Brazing
Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills, and Paper Printing Operations
Bakery Equipment
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Machinery and Operations
Sawmills and other Wood Processing
Logging and Forestry
Grain Handling Facilities
Tree Care and Removal
Automotive Service
Drilling Industries other than Oil and Gas
Electrical Hazards
Toxic Substances
Ionizing Radiation
Bloodborne Pathogens
Hazard Communication
Fall Protection

MIOSHA Agriculture

Signs and Tags for Accident Prevention

Benefits Of Taking OSHA Safety Training For Workers In Michigan

OSHA courses are designed in such a way that they not only increase worker performance and productivity but also provide both workers and employers with a number of benefits, including:

Employees are able to identify and steer clear of hazardous site safety risks at work.
lower medical compensation costs.
Both employees and employers are forbidden from OSHA’s stringent inspections and severe punishments.

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