Standard that Illinois’s State Plan adopted from Federal Jurisdiction are included below because State Plans often cover the Standards of Federal Jurisdiction:
Building (29 CFR 1926)
Maritime (29 CFR 1915)
Industry in general (29 CFR 1910)
The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) exerts control over all site inspections, Standard enforcements, penalties, and appeals made by Illinois OSHA. However, Illinois OSHA has different recordkeeping requirements that all state and local employees and employers are required to abide by. Furthermore, since the private sector is not under the jurisdiction of Illinois OSHA, it is governed by Federal OSHA Jurisdiction.
Although Federal OSHA oversees the private sector and Illinois OSHA handles the public sector, the standards for the construction industry, general industry, and shipyard are the same, so both employees and employers are required to adhere to them in all three sectors. OSHA in Illinois has varied criteria for recordkeeping and makes exceptions for it.
Additionally, OSHA encourages employers to train employees on particular safety topics that complement their position or designation but does not require OSHA Training. OSHA advises that entry-level employees complete the OSHA 10 Hour course, while supervisory employees should complete the OSHA 30 Hour course.