Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Chinese)




What You Get

Official DOL OSHA card – shipped within 2 weeks

Who Should Take the Training?

Entry level workers

Course Gamification

Dynamic course design with engaging games and quizzes

Course Access

Courses available 24/7 on any device

Course Structure

At your own pace, save progress as you go

Standards Covered

OSHA 29 CFR 1926


Support available by email, phone or chat

Course Updates

Content is updated and current

Why learn with us

We’ve been trusted by millions of learners to provide their regulatory training.

You get simple to follow course content that you can access anytime, anywhere.

You’re in good hands. We’ve been in business for over 20 years.

We're here for you with online chat and toll-free phone support.

Language : English
Estimated Time : 25 min

任何使用起重机的人都知道不要低估每天发生倒塌、电气事故、跌落和其他严重事件的风险。 动力让高架、龙门起重机和类似起重机非常有用,但也让它们变得危险。 通过正确维护和操作您使用的起重机,可以保护自己和同事。 起重机操作员及其主管是理想的学习者。

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